Individualised Pilates

One-on-One Pilates is a form of exercise that allows for an individually tailored program with specific exercises to achieve specific goals. Using foam rollers, magic circles, theraband, chi balls, and balance discs, the benefits of one-on-one pilates include:
- Improved posture and core stability
- Increased muscular strength and flexibility
- Improved gross motor skills
- Restoration and improved efficiency of normal movement patterns
- Enhanced breathing control
- Increased coordination and muscular control
- Improved fitness and postural control
- Improved balance
The Pilates Method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century in Germany. There is strong evidence to support the use of therapeutic exercise in the management of patients with injuries. Research has show that people who retrain their deep stabilizing muscles have less recurrence of low back pain. Pilates focuses on the retraining and recruitment of these stabilizing muscles (core stability) as well as improving posture, strength and flexibility.
Julianne Pegler has completed Pilates training through Dance Medicine Australia and Polestar Pilates, including a Certificate IV in Matwork Pilates.